Heritage Genetics
Peer Reviewed Publications
Duni, D.M., McIntosh, M.M., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Duniway, M.C., Estell, R.E., Spiegal, S.A., Gonzalez, A.G., Gedefaw, M.G., Redd, M., Paulin, R., Steele, C.M., Utsumi, S.A., and Perea, A.R. 2023. Foraging behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. Angus cattle grazing California Chaparral and Colorado Plateau shrublands. Journal of Arid Environments, 213, p.104975.
Roacho Estrada, O., Rodríguez Almeida, F.A., Utsumi, S.A., Fredrickson, E.L., Bezanilla Enríquez, G.A., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., and Gonzalez, A.L. 2023. Foraging behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. commercial crossbred cows on rangelands of the southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments, 212, p.104943.
McIntosh, M.M., Spiegal, S.A., McIntosh, S.Z., Castaño Sanchez, j., Estell, R.E., Steele, C.M., Elias, ElH., Bailey, D.W., Brown, J.R., and Cibils, A.F. 2023. Matching beef cattle breeds to the environment for desired outcomes in a changing climate: A systematic review. Journal of Arid Environments, 211, p.104905.
Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Spiegal, S., Nyamuryekung’e, S., McIntosh, M.M., Duni, D.M., Herrera Conegliano, O.A., Rodriguez Almeida, F.A., Roacho Estrada, O., Blanco, L.J., Duniway, M.C., Utsumi, S.A., and Gonzalez, A.L. 2023. Adapting to climate change on desert rangelands: A multi-site comparison of grazing behavior plasticity of heritage and improved beef cattle. Journal of Arid Environments, 209, p.104886.
Herrera Conegliano, O.A., Blanco, L.J., Utsumi, S.A., Cibils, A.F., Cendoya, M.G., Jaimes, F., Moltoni, A.F., and Ricci, P. 2022. Foraging behavior of Argentine Criollo and Angus cows grazing semi-desert rangelands in the Arid Gran Chaco region of Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments, 206, p.104827.
Armstrong, E., Almeida, F.R., McIntosh, M.M., Poli, M., Cibils, A.F., Martínez-Quintana, J.A., Félix-Portillo, M. and Estell, R.E. 2022. Genetic and productive background of Criollo cattle in Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay and the United States. Journal of Arid Environments, 200, p.104722.
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., VanLeeuwen, D., Spiegal, S., Steele, C., González, A.L., McIntosh, M.M., Gong, Q. and Cao, H. 2022. Movement, activity, and landscape use patterns of heritage and commercial beef cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Journal of Arid Environments, 199, p.104704.
Estell, R.E., Nyamuryekung’e, S., James, D.K., Spiegal, S., Cibils, A.F., Gonzalez, A.L., McIntosh, M.M. and Romig, K. 2022. Diet selection of Raramuri Criollo and Angus x Hereford crossbred cattle in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 205, p.104823.
Estell, R. 2021. The Genesis of the Jornada Criollo Cattle Program. Journal of Arid Environments, 193, p.10453.
McIntosh, M.M., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Nyamuryekung’e, S., González, A.L., Gong, Q., Cao, H., Spiegal, S.A., Soto-Navarro, S.A. and Blair, A.D. 2021. Weight Gain, Grazing Behavior and Carcass Quality of Desert Grass-fed Rarámuri Criollo vs. Crossbred Steers. Livestock Science, p.104511.
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., McIntosh, M., VanLeeuwen, D., Steele, C., González, A.L., Spiegal, S., Reyes, L.A., Almeida, F.A.R. and Anderson, M. 2021. Foraging behavior and body temperature of heritage vs. commercial beef cows in relation to desert ambient heat. Journal of Arid Environments, 193, p.104565.
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., McIntosh, M., VanLeeuwen, D., Steele, C., González, A.L., Spiegal, S., Continanza, F.G. 2021. Foraging Behavior of Heritage versus Desert-Adapted Commercial Rangeland Beef Cows in Relation to Dam-Offspring Contact Patterns. Rangeland Ecology & Management 74, 43-49.
McIntosh, M., Gonzalez, A., Cibils, A., Estell, R., Nyamuryekunge, S., Almeida, F.R. and Spiegal, S. 2020. A Phenotypic Characterization of Rarámuri Criollo Cattle Introduced into the Southwestern United States. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 28(3-4), 111-119.
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., VanLeeuwen, D., Steele, C., Estrada, O.R., Almeida, F.A.R., González, A.L., Spiegal, S. 2019. Do Young Calves Influence Movement Patterns of Nursing Raramuri Criollo Cows on Rangeland? Rangeland Ecology & Management.
Spiegal, S., Estell, R.E., Cibils, A.F., James, D.K., Peinetti, H.R., Browning, D.M., Romig, K.B., Gonzalez, A.L., Lyons, A.J., Bestelmeyer, B.T. 2019. Seasonal Divergence of Landscape Use by Heritage and Conventional Cattle on Desert Rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management 72, 590–601.
Nyamurekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Gonzalez, A.L. 2016. Use of an unmanned aerial vehicle-mounted video camera to assess feeding behavior of Raramuri Criollo cows. Rangeland Ecology and Management 69, 386-389.
Anderson, D.M., Estell, R.E., Gonzalez, A.L., Cibils, A.F., Torell, L.A. 2015. Criollo cattle: heritage genetics for arid landscapes. Rangelands 37, 62–67.
Estell, R.E., Havstad, K.M., Cibils, A.F., Fredrickson, E.L., Anderson, D.M., Schrader, T.S., James, D.K. 2012. Increasing shrub use by livestock in a world with less grass. Rangeland Ecology & Management 65, 553–562.
Peinetti, H.R., Fredrickson, E.L., Peters, D.P., Cibils, A.F., Roacho-Estrada, J.O., Laliberte, A.S. 2011. Foraging behavior of heritage versus recently introduced herbivores on desert landscapes of the American Southwest. Ecosphere 2, 1-14.
Theses & Dissertations
McIntosh, M. 2018. Weight gain and behavior of Criollo vs crossbred steers developed on Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. MS Thesis. New Mexico State University, 78 p.
Nyamuryekung’e, S. 2017. Feeding and maternal behavior of Raramuri Criollo cows. MS Thesis. New Mexico State University, 53 p.
Conference Abstracts
Matthew McIntosh, Alfredo Gonzalez, Andres Cibils, Rick Estell, Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e, Sheri Spiegal. 2020. PSVII-1 A preliminary phenotypic characterization of Raramuri Criollo cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 98, Issue Supplement 4:307.
Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e, Andres Cibils, Rick Estell, Alfredo Gonzalez, Matthew McIntosh, Sheri Spiegal, Danielle Duni. 2020. PSV-14 Influence of monsoon rainfall events on movement patterns of Angus crossbred vs. Raramuri Criollo cattle on desert rangeland. Journal of Animal Science, 98, Issue Supplement 4:218–219.
McIntosh, M., D. Duni, A. Cibils, R. Estell, A. Gonzalez, S. Nyamuryekunge, M. Redd, M. Duniway, Sheri Spiegal. 2020. Late fall landscape use by heritage vs. conventional beef cattle on Colorado Plateau rangelands: a case study. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management, Denver, CO, February 16-20.
Nyamuryekunge, S., A. Cibils, R. Estell, A. Gonzalez, M. McIntosh, S. Spiegal, F. Continanza. 2020. Vegetation selection of heritage vs. conventional beef cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management, Denver, CO, February 16-20.
Cibils, A., R. Estell, S. Spiegal, A. Gonzalez, S. Nyamuryekung’e, M. McIntosh. 2020. Raramuri Criollo cattle and climate change in the desert southwest. 8th Natural History of the Gila Symposium, February 28.
Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E, Gonzalez, A.L., Spiegal, S., Nyamuryekung’e, S. McIntosh, M.M. 2019. El rol del bovino Criollo Rarámuri como herramienta de adaptación al cambio climático en los desiertos del SO de los EE.UU. XII Simposio Internacional de Recursos Geneticos para las Americas y el Caribe. Dec. 8-11, Rocha, Uruguay.
Nyamuryekunge, S., Cibils, A., Estell, R., Gonzalez, A., McIntosh, M., Spiegal, S., Continanza, F. 2019. Movement and cow-calf proximity patterns of Raramuri Criollo Vs. Angus-crossbred nursing cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland in summer. 72nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Feb. 10-13, Minneapolis, MN.
Spiegal, S., Estell, R., Cibils, A., Gonzalez, A., McIntosh, M., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Bestelmeyer, B. 2018. Can heritage cattle protect ecosystems and economies in the changing rangelands of the western United States? Ecological Society of America 102nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Spiegal, S., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Estell, R., Cibils, A., James, D., Gonzalez, A., McIntosh, M. 2018. Diet selection by Raramuri Criollo and Angus crossbreds in the Chihuahuan Desert. J. Anim. Sci Vol. 96, Suppl. S3. P. 224.
Cibils, A.F. 2018. Uso de ganado adaptado al ambiente para conciliar metas de producción y conservación del pastizal natural. Resúmenes VIII Congreso Nacional y IV Congreso del Mercosur de Pastizales Naturales. Chamical, La Rioja, Argentina, May 15-17, p. 125-6.
McIntosh, M., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Soto Navarro, S.A., Gonzalez, A.L., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Spiegal, S. 2018. Weight gain and behavior of Raramuri Criollo versus Corriente steers developed on Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. Abstract Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. Jan. 28–Feb. 2, Sparks, NV.
Spiegal, S., Estell, R.E., Cibils, A.F., Nyamurekung’e, S., McIntosh, M., González, A.L. 2017. Landscape distribution of desert cattle: Effects of diet and vegetation type. Presented at the Ecological Society of America 101st Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Spiegal, S., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Estell, R.E., Cibils, A.F., McIntosh, M.M., Gonzalez, A.L., James, D.K. 2017. Comparison of diet selection by Raramuri Criollo and Angus crossbreeds in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Animal Science 95, Supplement 4:142.
Nyamuryekung’e, S., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Gonzalez, A.L., Cano, D.E., Spiegal, S. 2017. Behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. Angus crossbred cows in relation to desert summer ambient heat conditions.70th Annual Meeting of the Society For Range Management, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2017, St. George, UT.
McIntosh, M.M., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Soto-Navarro, S.A., Gonzalez, A.L., Nyamuryekunge, S., Spiegal, S. 2017. Weight gain and behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. crossbred steers developed on Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. 70th Annual Meeting of the Society For Range Management, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2017, St. George, UT.
Diaz, J., Torell, L.A., Gonzalez, A., Estell, R., Cibils, A., Anderson, D.M. 2015. The Economics of Raramuri Criollo (RC) Versus British Crossbred Cattle Production in the Chihuahuan Desert. 68th Annual Society for Range Management Meeting. Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2015. Sacramento, CA.
Precision Ranching
Peer Reviewed Publications
McIntosh, M.M., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Gong, Q., Cao, H., Gonzalez, A.L., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Spiegal, S.A. 2021. Can cattle geolocation data yield behavior-based criteria to inform precision grazing systems on rangeland? Livestock Science 104801.
Conference Abstracts
Cibils, A. Can precision technologies help ranching systems adapt to change? 2020. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. February 16-20, Denver, CO.
McIntosh, M.M, Cibils, A.F., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Estell, R.E., Cox, A., Dawes, A., Waterhouse, T., Holland, J. 2020. A test of LoRa WAN real-time GPS tracking on beef cattle in desert pastures. 73rd Annual Society for Range Management Meeting. February 16-20, Denver, CO.
Nyamuryekunge, S., A. Dawes, M. McIntosh, A. Cibils, R. Estell, A. Gonzalez, S. Spiegal. 2020. Influence of rainfall events on drinker visitation patterns by beef cows on desert rangeland. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. February 16-20, Denver, CO.
Waterhouse, T. 2020. Real-Time Monitoring Technologies for Free-Ranging Sheep and Cattle Management. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. February 16-20, Denver, CO.
McIntosh, M.M., Cibils, A.F., Estell, R.E., Gonzalez, A.L., Nyamuryekung’e, S., Spiegal, S. 2018. Day-to-day variation in grazing behavior in relation to average daily gain in rangeland beef cattle. Proceedings of the 52nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. July 30 – Aug. 3, Prince Edward Island, Canada. P. 92.
Project Overview
Peer Reviewed Publications
Elias, E., Aney, S., Duff, G., Gifford, C., Spiegal, S., Cibils, A., Steiner, J. and Estell, R. 2020. Snapshot of Rancher Perspectives on Creative Cattle Management Options. Rangelands, 42(6), 191-195.
Spiegal S, Cibils AF, Bestelmeyer BT, Steiner JL, Estell RE, Archer DW, Auvermann BW, Bestelmeyer SV, Boucheron LE, Cao H, Cox AR, Devlin D, Duff GC, Ehlers KK, Elias EH, Gifford CA, Gonzalez AL, Holland JP, Jennings JS, Marshall AM, McCracken DI, McIntosh MM, Miller R, Musumba M, Paulin R, Place SE, Redd M, Rotz CA, Tolle C and Waterhouse A (2020) Beef Production in the Southwestern United States: Strategies Toward Sustainability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 114.
Supply Chain
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gifford, C.A., Taylor, K.M., Spiegal, S., Duff, G.C., Aney, S., Elias, E., Steiner, J.L., Estell, R., McFarlane, Z.D., Schohr, T.K., DeAtley, K.L., and Banwarth, M.R. 2023. Factors important for bull purchasing decisions and management in extensive rangeland production systems of New Mexico: a producer survey. Translational Animal Science, 7, pp.1-13.
Torell, G., Torell, L.A., Enyinnaya, J., Spiegal, S., Estell, R.E., Cibils, A.F., Anderson, D.M., and Gonzalez, A.L. 2023. Economics of Raramuri Criollo and British crossbred cattle production in the Chihuahuan desert: Effects of foraging distribution and finishing strategy. Journal of Arid Environments, 211, p104922.
Kleinman, P.J., Spiegal, S.A., Silviera, M.L., Baker, J.M., Dell, C.J., Bittman, S., Cibin, R., Vadas, P.A., Buser, M.D. and Tsegaye, T. 2022. Envisioning the manureshed: Toward comprehensive integration of modern crop and animal production. Journal of Environmental Quality, 51(4), pp.481-493.
Spiegal, S., Vendramini, J.M.B., Bittman, S., Silveira, M.L., Gifford, C., Rotz, C.A., Ragosta, J.P., Kleinman, P.J.A. 2022. Recycling nutrients in the beef supply chain through circular manuresheds: Data to assess tradeoffs. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Meredith, G.R., Spiegal, S., Kleinman, P.J. and Harmel, D. 2022. The social networks of manureshed management. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Steiner, J., Devlin, D., Perkins, S., Aguilar, J., Golden, B., Santos, E., Unruh, M. Policy, Technology, and Management Options for Water Conservation in the Ogallala Aquifer in Kansas, USA. Water 2021, 13(23), 3406.
Bestelmeyer, B.T., Spiegal, S., Winkler, R., James, D., Levi, M., et al. 2021. Assessing Sustainability Goals Using Big Data: Collaborative Adaptive Management in the Malpai Borderlands. Rangeland Ecology & Management 77: 17–29.
Sawalhah, M.N., Geli, H.M.E., Holechek, J.L., Cibils, A.F., Spiegal, S., Gifford, C. 2021. Water Footprint of Rangeland Beef Production in New Mexico. Water 13.
Spiegal, S., Williamson, J.C., Flynn, C., Buda, A., Rotz, C.A., et al. 2021. Land use change and collaborative manureshed management in New Mexico. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Zaied, A.J., H.M. Geli, A.F. Cibils, M.N. Sawalhah, J.L. Holechek, et al. 2021. Beef Cattle Price and Production Patterns in Relation to Drought in New Mexico. Sustainability 13(18): 10420.
Spiegal, S., Kleinman, P.J., Endale, D.M., Bryant, R.B., Dell, C., Goslee, S., Meinen, R.J., Flynn, C., Baker, J., Browning, D., McCarty, G., Bittman, S., Carter, J., Cavigelli, M., Duncan, E., Gowda, P., Li, X., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Raj, C., Silveira, M., Smith, D.R., Arthur, D.K., Yang, Q. 2020. Manuresheds: Advancing nutrient recycling in US agriculture. Agricultural Systems 182, 102813.
Rotz, C.A., Asem-Hiablie, S., Place, S., Thoma, G. 2019. Environmental footprints of beef cattle production in the United States. Agricultural Systems 169, 1–13.
Asem-Hiablie, S., Rotz, C.A., Stout, R., Fisher, K. 2017. Management characteristics of beef cattle production in the western United States. The Professional Animal Scientist 33, 461–471.
Asem-Hiablie, S., Rotz, C.A., Stout, R., Dillon, J., Stackhouse-Lawson, K. 2015. Management characteristics of cow-calf, stocker, and finishing operations in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The Professional Animal Scientist 31, 1–10.
From Desert Pasture to Dinner Plate: Evaluating the Sustainability of Supply Chains for Beef Cattle Coming from Ranches of the Southwest. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico. February 10, 2022.
Book Chapters
Spiegal, S., Huntsinger, L., Starrs, P.F., Hruska, T., Schellenberg, M.P., McIntosh, M.M. 2019. Rangeland livestock production in North America, in: Squires, V.R., Bryden, W.L. (Eds.), Livestock: Production, Management Strategies, and Challenges. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, New York, USA.
Conference Abstracts
Spiegal, S. 2020. Ecosystem service tradeoffs associated with agricultural intensification of Grazinglands. 73rd Annual Meeting Society for Range Management, Denver, CO, February 16-20.